Thursday, May 29, 2014

Update on the Chick fil A Fundraiser!

I have been wanting to share with y'all how the Chick fil A Adoption fundraiser turned out.  We have been crazy busy since last week, but I am glad to finally have a moment to update you.  To say the least it was a GIANT success!!!  It went above and beyond any expectations I could have ever imagined.

I know I told you before God began nudging me to do this months and months ago.  I am sure He was tired of hearing me argue with him.  I did not know where to start, who to contact, or IF our Chick fil A would even be willing to participate in something like this.  I was afraid to fail.  I was nervous to tell people what I had even been thinking about for fear they would just think I was plain nuts.  I have to tell you if God wants you to do something He won't let it go!!  And He sure won't let you off the hook because of fear of failure!

I am so glad I listened.  I have been working for months on being obedient regardless of the situation.  Even up until the few days before our event I was still nervous no one would show up.  I kept pushing, kept praying, and kept preparing!  My (over and over again) prayer was regardless of the financial success, for God's glory to be seen!  I wanted Him to be honored and glorified through our actions and our obedience to His word.  I wanted Him to be seen through us.

God showed up so boldly for us last Tuesday night!!  So many people came out to support us.  Friends, family, our patients, and people who had only *heard* about us through Facebook or flyers came out to support Jeff and I and our baby!  People traveled great distances to be there for us.  It was incredibly humbling.  It made my heart so happy to see each and every one of you!!

I had no idea that people who did not even know us would really stand up to support us.  So many people who just happened to come out for dinner came by to ask about our story.  They loved that we were trying to adopt a baby from South Carolina.  They not only participated in our Spirit Night, but also gave so generously.  People bought t-shirts and simply made donations to our adoption fund!  How awesome is that?!

It was so much fun to wave at everyone in the drive through, dance around like nuts with our signs, and have such awesome friends and family by our sides all night!  We laughed so much!  People would see our signs and ask, "WHAT is a HOOPER??"  and "What are you adopting??  A DOG??".  Too funny!!  I learned pretty quickly I probably should have said "Help us adopt...a BABY" on our sign!  Who knew??  Seeing people drive back out of the drive through and give us the "thumbs up" after they said our name was GREAT!  Y'all are seriously awesome!  I wish I could hug each and every one of your necks!

I am still floored by the amount of support from EVERYONE!  The Spirit Night was a HUGE success!!  We still don't know the amount raised for the Spirit Night itself.  We should find out in the next week or two when the donation is made to our Adopt Together account.  However, just in t-shirt sales and donations alone we were able to raise $700!!!  That is HUGE y'all!!!

From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU if you came, if you donated, or if you prayed for our event from afar.  We felt the love and felt your prayers.  Truly the Holy Spirit surrounded us!  The amazing amount of support speaks of God's love for us and our future baby!

Stay tuned!  I am already hard at work on our next fundraiser!  I will be posting about it soon.  As always we have a crazy amount of T-shirts left to sell so if you are so moved please purchase one! {link to the right or message me!} Thank you thank you!!

Here are some of the pictures of our Chick fil A fundraiser:

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